Hi, My name is Imtiyaz Attarwala and I am an internationally published, Fashion editorial and Commercial photographer, based in London.
My journey into photography started with a simple purchase of a camera. like most people, I had always been fascinated with taking pictures all the time. I didn’t think it would end up being such a passion for me. So much so that I see everything in series of frames in my mind now, not on purpose thought. In my mind, everything just looks better that way. I don’t see colours anymore, I see the whole spectrum and the world looks more bright and vivid than ever.
As with all passions, it slowly took over and I assimilated everything I could regarding photography. Especially people photography, although street photography is an extensive and a very special place in my heart. I’ve taught myself from scratch every aspect that goes into a successful campaign from start to finish including teaching myself high end retouching techniques. 
I currently use a Canon EOS Full Frame camera and a series of lenses suitable for all events, campaigns and shoots. I have got extensive experience in studio with my own lighting setup that I’ve curated over time to give the best results both in studio and outdoors.

London Fashion and commercial photographer
Praze Magazine, Alphero Magazine, Dreamy Magazine, Lybell Magazine, French Magazine, Maxi Magazine, Moevir Magazine, 6XF Magazine, GMARO Magazine, ATTAR Magazine, AMIRI Magazine
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